What are you looking for?


  • for researchers at Dutch university and/or research institute with at least 10 years of post-doc experience
  • 5 months
  • office, research facilities
  • subsidized accommodation (if necessary)
  • stipend or replacement subsidy


Dindy van Maanen, Co-sponsored Fellowships - cosponsors@nias.knaw.nl

NSvP Fellowship

The NSvP Fellowship offers scholars from Dutch universities and research institutes the opportunity to work on a topic related to labor markets in the future. The fellowship is a collaboration between NIAS and NSvP (Nederlandse Stichting voor Psychotechniek).

About the NSvP Fellowship

During the NSvP Fellowship, researchers can focus on their research and explore the future of labor markets and the concept of ‘valuable work’.

Aim of the fellowship is to produce innovative insights, increase the body of knowledge and to encourage the development of scientific solutions for practical issues. The Fellow can work towards the following goals:

  • Link scientific research to the questions and needs of practitioners
  • Contribute to debates in the field and the public agenda
  • Write a paper describing new insights
  • At the end of the research period, the fellow writes a white paper (in Dutch), which will be published and distributed by the NSvP. The publication may be presented during a symposium.

The inspiring international environment at NIAS offers researchers an opportunity to work within an interdisciplinary community of scholars.

Who can apply

The NIAS-NSvP fellowship is open to researchers with more than 10 years postdoctoral experience (senior) who currently have a temporary or permanent contract at a Dutch university and/or research institute. The fellow has an interdisciplinary approach to the subject and affinity with a psychological / organization-oriented approach.

See here for more information about the applicant’s profile (in Dutch).

Practical information

  • There is one NIAS-NSvP fellowship per year for 5 months from 1st February – 30th June
  • Fellows are provided with an office with research facilities and, if eligible, subsidized accommodation. Fellows can apply for financial compensation to cover (part of) their contractual obligations for teaching up to a maximum of E.3.800 per month.
  • See here for more information about practical and financial matters.

How to apply

To apply for the period of February – June 2022, candidates must submit a fully completed NSvP Fellowship application form online, which will be available on this page on 15 September 2020. Applications can be submitted between 15 September and 1 November 2020.

Selection procedure

NIAS is responsible for registering and processing of all applications. The board of the NSvP and directorate of NIAS jointly select the best candidate. Applications are evaluated on the basis of a) scientific quality and originality of the project proposal; b) significance of the project proposal for the field of ‘the future of the labor market and valuable work’; c) the candidate’s academic achievements. Those applicants who have received excellent evaluations, will be invited for a selection interview in the week of 9-13 November 2020. Candidates will be informed of the outcome within 6 weeks after the interview.

About the NSvP

The NSvP is an independent foundation and capital fund that focusses on the field of people and work. Their central research question is what will the labor market of tomorrow look like and how can we develop the talent and skills of young people and workers? The foundation is committed to an inclusive labor market that provides valuable work for everyone. An annual event is organized by the foundation with a challenge which promotes the development of new initiatives, agenda-setting, knowledge sharing and the development of vision and development by means of an interactive platform. See also www.innovatiefinwerk.nl.

Past & present Fellows