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Schippers, Joop

Schippers, Joop

NSVP Fellow

The future of work: sustainable careers, lifelong learning and basic jobs

What can we expect for the future labour market? Who will benefit from the introduction of advanced technology and who is at risk of exclusion? Are people – and especially young people – aware of the necessity to engage in lifelong learning? Does lifelong learning also help older generations or will they benefit more from ‘basic jobs’ provided by the government?

Project Description

Different scientific disciplines have provided insights with respect to the future of work and the labour market. New, advanced technology will result in new jobs, some jobs may disappear, while almost all jobs will be influenced by developing technology. Some people will benefit from these developments, but others will become unemployed and find their human capital obsolete. Lifelong learning may be a tool to help people counter potentially negative labour market effects of technological change. The question is, however whether both individuals and institutional arrangements are ready to deal with this challenge and whether lifelong learning is a panacea for everyone, including older workers. These questions will be answered based on existing studies and empirical research in the form of interviews with experts/social partners.

Joop Schippers introduces his project during the introductory 5-minute talks

Selected Publications

Schippers, J.J. et. al (2015). Towards a more sustainable labour market, Utrecht

Oude Mulders, J., Henkens, K. & Schippers, J.J. (2017). European Top Managers’ Age-Related Workplace Norms and Their Organizations’ Recruitment and Retention Practices Regarding Older Workers, The Gerontologist, 57, 5, 857-866

Conen, W., Schippers, J., Schulze Buschoff, K. (2016). Self-employed without personnel. Between freedom and insecurity, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Study no. 5, 136 pp.


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