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Wilthagen, Ton

Wilthagen, Ton

NSvP Fellow

Towards a Societal Business Case for an Inclusive Labour Market

Project Description

The project has a twofold, interrelated focus. The first focus is to study how an integral, societal business case for an inclusive labour market, a ‘parallel labour market’, may be developed, that can be expected to enhance the employment opportunities for excluded groups in an innovative and systemic way. The key issue here concerns the broader value attributed to work, i.e. the total benefits of participation in paid employment. The second focus of the study is on how new forms of organizations and collaboration can serve as the carriers of this inclusive labour market.

Selected Publications

Peijen, R., T. Wilthagen, R. Muffels and R. Dekker (2019), Private arbeidsintegratie: Evaluatie van het Philips Werkgelegenheidsplan. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, June 2019.

Wilthagen, T., Aarts, E., & Valcke, P. (2018). Time for interdisciplinarity: An essay on the added value of collaboration for science, university, and society. Tilburg: Tilburg University. https://research.tilburguniversity.edu/files/28373248/180464_Essay_Tijd_voor_Interdisciplinariteit_EN_finalproof_1_.pdf

Brouwer, P., Verhoeven, J., & Wilthagen, T. (2018). Geen uitkeringen meer: van sociale naar participatiezekerheid. Sociaal Bestek, 80(4), 45–47. doi:10.1007/s41196-018-0094-7

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