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Blonk, Roland

Blonk, Roland

NSvP Fellow

A Systems Approach for an Inclusive Labour Market

Project Description

Too many workers particularly at the lower end of the labour market work in jobs that do not match their talents. Many low-educated workers report they would like to, but do not receive training for future jobs, as employers hardly invest in low-educated workers. In addition many low skilled workers report to have more skills than used in their current job. As a result, upward mobility lags behind at the lower end of the labour market, resulting in many unfilled vacancies at a higher level and at the same time less opportunities for long-term job-seekers to enter the labour market. This fellowship will investigate how to develop a systems intervention that addresses these issues at the lower end of the labour market.

Selected Publications

Huijs, J. J., Houtman, I. L., Taris, T. W., & Blonk, R. W. (2019). Effect of a participative action intervention program on reducing mental retirement. BMC public health, 19(1), 194.

Blonk, R.W.B. (2018). We have just started. Inaugural lecture. Tilburg: Tilburg University.

Vuori, J., Blonk, R.W.B. & Price, R. (2015). Sustainable Working Lives: Managing Work Transitions and Health throughout the Life Course. Springer Verlag.


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