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NIAS Newsletter 43 - Fall 2009

From the Archives

NIAS: a place for disciplines to meet

The Rector’s Note by Wim Blockmans talks about the role of NIAS in fostering interdisciplinary interactions between scholars from different disciplines working on their individual projects. One of the challenges of an IAS, is to identify and support new lines of thought, not yet embedded in existing structures.

The NIAS Fellows come from a range of different disciplines, which is reflected by the broad range of topics in this Newsletter. Johannes Koll writes about his research at NIAS on the significance of Arthur Seyß-Inquart as a member of the Nazi elite, and his role in the Second World War and the Holocaust. Johan Kwantes, editor of this Newsletter, interviews Chaihark Hahm, Henry G. Schermers Fellow, on his Fellowship, his academic choices and his research on Korea’s fraught constitutional history. During his time at NIAS, Donald W. Light looked at historical and contemporary aspects of the relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and advanced capitalist societies. His article in this Newsletter elaborates on the development of this phenomenon. Inna V. Naletova has researched religion and values in Eastern and Central Europe during her time at NIAS and in this Newsletter she shows the degrees of religiosity in Europe.



  • Rectors’ Note (pg. 3) – Wim Blockmans
  • NIAS News (pg. 4)
  • Introducing this year’s Special Fellowships (pg. 5)
  • Arthur Seyß-Inquart: a biographical approach (pg. 6) – Johannes Koll
  • The Idea Behind the Constitution: an interview with Chaihark Hahm (pg. 10) – Johan Kwantes
  • Taking Medicines? More Dangerous than You Think (pg. 15) – Donald W. Light
  • European Secularity and Religious Modernity (pg. 19) – Inna V. Naletova
  • Books written at NIAS (pg. 26)
  • Personal News (pg. 28)


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NIAS Newsletter 43 – Fall 2009 (PDF)