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Tongeren, P.J.M. van

Tongeren, P.J.M. van

Paul van Tongeren, born in Deventer, the Netherlands, in 1950. Ph.D. from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Professor of Moral Philosophy at Radboud University Nijmegen.

Fellow (1 September 2010 – 30 June 2011)

Nietzsche’s Practical Philosophy

I intend to carry out at least two projects during my year at NIAS. (1) I will complete the editing of a further set of lemmata for the Nietzsche-Wörterbuch, (P. van Tongeren & H. Siemens Hrsg., Berlin 2004ff). This NWB offers lemmata on 500 keywords from Nietzsche’s vocabulary and provides a unique combination of (a) analyses of Nietzsche’s use of the words; (b) overviews of the relevant linguistic and conceptual history; (c) discussions of secondary literature interpretations; and (d) an assessment of the relevant history of reception. (2) I will attempt to relate my work on Nietzsche  to my work on moral philosophy in two publications: a paper on ‘Nietzsche and Virtue Ethics’, and complete a book on nihilism and morality. In the book I will take Nietzsche’s famous text: Der europäische Nihilismus as a starting point.

Paul van Tongeren, Die Moral von Nietzsches Moralkritik, Bouvier (Bonn 1989).

Paul van Tongeren, Reinterpreting Modern Culture. An Introduction to Nietzsche’s Philosophy (Purdue University Press 2000).

Paul van Tongeren, H. Siemens and G. Schank, Nietzsche-Wörterbuch Berlin, (W. de Gruyter 2004).
