Nikolay Natov, born in Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1955. Ph.D. from St Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia. Professor of Private International Law at St Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia.
Visiting Grant Scholar (October 2004 – 31 December 2004)
In keeping with my plans, I started collecting special literature on the qualification in Private international law in particular the following subjects: (i) Recent developments in national codifications of Private international law in general and particularly in the regulation of qualification; (ii) Contemporary doctrinal developments in interpretation this subject; (iii) The achievements of jurisprudence in solving the problem of qualification.
After processing and reading all the collected literature I began writing the planned book and in total I have written 67 pages of an estimated 200 pages. I hope to continue writing in Bulgaria and to complete the first version of the book by the end of July 2005 and submit the book to the publisher in January 2006. I made some changes in both the title and content of the book, as a result of the new material I have read and I will clarify the contemporary difficulties and proposed solutions in the field of qualification at the end of the book.
NIAS gave me an opportunity to find almost all the literature available in the field of qualification and provided me with technical facilities which saved me a lot of time and allowed me to focus entirely on my scientific work. I have prepared materials for an article to be written in Bulgarian that explores the practice of the European Court of Justice in the sphere of qualification.