Writer-in-Residence Fellowship
The Writer-in-Residence programme is part of a longstanding collaboration between NIAS and the Dutch Foundation for Literature (Nederlands Letterenfonds). The idea behind the programme is that writers and scholars from the humanities, social sciences and other disciplines can benefit from each other’s work offering them and intellectual haven and the opportunity to work in a diverse community of international scholars.
Practical Information
NIAS and the Dutch Foundation for Literature offer one fellowships of one semester (5 months) per academic year.
A fellowship at NIAS in Amsterdam includes lunches, study and research facilities, participation in academic and social events, and a standard stipend to compensate for loss of earnings for the duration of the fellowship. Fellows are eligible for subsidised studio accommodation or a fixed commuting allowance. See here for more information about the conditions of a fellowship at NIAS.
Application and Selection
- Conditions for application can be found on the website of the Dutch Foundation for Literature
- For questions regarding Writer-in-Residence Fellowships, please contact: Dutch Foundation for Literature – Eva Prakken e.prakken@letterenfonds.nl or NIAS – Annette Mullink, Selection Officer Partnered Fellowships, partners@nias.knaw.nl
About the Dutch Foundation for Literature
The Dutch Foundation for Literature offers grants and subsidies to writers, translators, publishers, literary magazines and festivals. The aim is to support high quality Dutch Literature and to encourage a diverse literary climate that takes into account new developments as well as literary heritage. The Foundation actively contributes to the promotion and dissemination of Dutch and Frisian literature at home and abroad.
The partnership between NIAS and the Dutch Foundation for Literature
The first Writer-in-Residence Fellowship was offered in 1999 as part of a collaboration between (then known as the Stichting Fonds voor de Letteren) the Dutch Foundation for Literature and NIAS-KNAW. Over the years, this successful fellowship has brought many renowned writers from the Netherlands and abroad to NIAS to benefit from this unique and diverse academic setting.