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Munniksma, Anke

Anke Munniksma

Urban Citizen Fellow

Preparing youth to be part of an increasingly diverse society in schools in Amsterdam: foundations for educational policy and practice

Research Question

How do primary and secondary schools in Amsterdam invest in students’ citizenship competences regarding dealing with differences?

Project Description

Schools have the task to invest in citizenship education which equips students with the necessary competences to function in a pluralistic society. An important part of citizenship competences pertains to dealing with differences, for which schools can function as a practice ground. However, whereas heterogeneous schools offer a natural context to practice dealing with differences, these opportunities are limited in homogeneous schools. This project documents in what ways schools with different student populations fulfill their citizenship education task, regarding dealing with differences. To this end, a questionnaire study will be conducted among primary and secondary school principals and teachers in the municipality of Amsterdam. By providing an overview of citizenship education practices of schools in Amsterdam, the findings of this project provide foundations for educational policy and practice.

Read more about this research in Dutch / Lees hier meer over het onderzoek in Nederlands


Selected Publications

  • Dijkstra, A. B., Ten Dam, G., & Munniksma, A. (2021). Inequality in citizenship competences. Citizenship education and policy in the Netherlands. In Influences of the IEA Civic and Citizenship Education Studies (pp. 135-146). Springer.
  • Munniksma, A., Dijkstra, A.B., van der Veen, I., Ledoux, G., van der Werfhorst H., & ten Dam, G. (2017). Burgerschap in het voortgezet onderwijs: Nederland in vergelijkend perspectief. Amsterdam University Press.
  • Munniksma, A., Scheepers, P., Stark, T. H., & Tolsma, J. (2017). The impact of adolescents’ classroom and neighborhood ethnic diversity on same‐and cross‐ethnic friendships within classrooms. Journal of Research on Adolescence27(1), 20-33.


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