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NFA Day 2024 1
7 June 2024 -
Korte Spinhuissteeg

NFA Day 2024

Uhlenbeck lecture by Alec Badenoch

At the annual alumni event on Friday 7 June, Alec Badenoch will discuss mass digitization and the way we might make sense of the abundance of digitized sources, from text to images to audiovisual files and more.
Former NIAS Fellows will be revisiting NIAS on the annual NIAS Fellows Association Day. One of the highlights of the day is the Uhlenbeck Lecture, named after NIAS’ founder. The NFA Board and NIAS take great pleasure in announcing that Alec Badenoch, Professor (by special appointment) of Transnational Media at VU and NIAS alumnus, will deliver the Uhlenbeck Lecture.

Uhlenbeck Lecture: Listening with the digital archive: voices and silence, music and noise

Starting in the late 2000s, mass digitization has transformed the way we access and engage with material from the past.  Digitized sources in multiple formats from text to images to audiovisual files are now available in overwhelming abundance, to the extent that we now make increasing use of digital tools to read through it all.  This talk builds on concepts from radio studies, as well as my own and others’ recent projects to explore one way we might make sense of this abundance.  It proposes that we take up listening, rather than reading, as a core metaphor for how we approach the digital archive both from an analytical and ethical standpoint. From this point of departure, it will walk through a series of sonic metaphors that highlight both what we can ‘hear’ with the digital archives, but also how we might fruitfully engage with the gaps, losses, and noise we encounter.


About Alec Badenoch

Alec Badenoch is full Professor (by special appointment) of Transnational Media at the VU Amsterdam in connection to the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision and Assistant Professor for Media and Culture at Utrecht University. A media and cultural historian, his research falls primarily into two stands: historical research into transnational entanglements in 20th Century broadcasting (most recently delving into connections between international women’s movements and broadcasting), as well as practice-oriented research on digital heritage in the present. From his chair at the VU he is currently PI on the European project Polyvocal Interpretations of Contested Colonial Heritage (PICCH).  He was at NIAS in 2010-2011 as part of the “Inventing Europe” Theme Group, during which time he developed the “Inventing Europe” online exhibition (inventingeurope.eu), and began his long engagement with digital heritage.

Programme of the NFA Day

15.00 – 16.00 General Meeting of the NFA (members only, also online)

16.00 – 16.15 Refreshments (Conference Room)

16.15 – 17.15 Uhlenbeck Lecture by Alec Badenoch (also online)

17.15 Drinks and Bites

Amendment of the articles of the association

On Friday 7 June at 15.00 h (CET)  the NFA-members vote to amend the articles of the association of the Association. This amendment of the articles of the association is an important step in professionalising and future-proofing the association.

Please find the following documents online:
Exhibit 1: PROXY
NFA workplan 2024 – 2028

Comparison documents:
In Dutch: Akte vaststelling statuten vereninging NFA
In English: Deed establishment of the articles of association NFA

Concept deed:

In Dutch: Akte vaststelling statuten NFA
In English: Deed establishment of the articles NFA

Minutes of the two General Meetings in 2023
8 June 2023 (Word)
14 December 2023 (Word)