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NIAS Summer Stay

The Alumni Stay is set up to give former NIAS Fellows and their colleagues an opportunity to live and work at NIAS for a two- or three-week period in the summer.

About a Summer Stay

A NIAS Summer Stay includes accommodation and the use of a NIAS office during a 2- or 3-week visit in July or August. NIAS and the NIAS Fellows Association (NFA) hope that these academic visits will provide an opportunity for former fellows to take their NIAS project a step further, to work on a grant proposal or explore a new project with colleagues.

Former fellows can apply either as an individual, a team of two (one alum accompanied by a(n) alum or non-alum), or as the initiator of a group project. Alum groups must be led by a NIAS alum and can consist of (a minimum of) three to (a maximum of) five members, the majority of which should be member of the NIAS Fellows Association.

Read about the experiences of alumni summer guests Susanne Klausen and Sebnem Yardimci.

Who can apply?

  • Former NIAS fellows who are paid up NFA members

That’s it. Once a Fellow, always a Fellow.

What we offer

The available time slots for 2025 are:

  • Monday 14 July – Sunday 3 August (3 weeks)
  • Monday 14 July – Sunday 27 July (2 weeks)
  • Monday 21 July – Sunday 3 August (2 weeks)

What it costs:

  • The NIAS Summer Stay costs 978 euro per person for a 3-week stay. It costs 652 euro per person for a 2-week stay. This fee covers the costs of electricity, water, taxes, cleaning costs and extra staff.
  • All individual and group members are required to sign the NIAS Summer Stay Agreement and pay a deposit of 750 euros at least four weeks before the start date of their stay. On departure, all NIAS Summer Guests will receive an invoice to cover any remaining costs (or damages) which will be deducted from the deposit.

What you get:

  • Studio accommodation at the Fellows House, in the heart of Amsterdam
  • An office in the nearby NIAS Main building
  • Wi-fi access via the Guest Login (NIAS Main building & Fellows House)
  • Use of the Conference Room or other meeting rooms in the Main Building
  • Use of the Library with (limited) library services via a guest computer
  • Printing via a guest computer (limited)
  • Coffee and tea facilities
  • Lunch or afternoon tea once a week with other summer guests and staff
  • Basic facilities support in the Main Building and Fellows House accommodation

Note: A Summer Stay does not include stipends, replacement subsidies, travel expenses, lunches, ICT support, an email account or a computer (applicants should bring their own laptop). Being a NIAS Summer Guest will be a different experience to being a NIAS Fellow. NIAS will not be able to provide the same level of service and support during the summer. Also, there is often renovation work scheduled in the Fellows House during the summer months. So we ask for your understanding and that you will be prepared to find your own way.

How to Apply

The application form asks for the following information:

  • Individual or Group; Requested date; Fellow year;
  • For a group application: names and affiliations of all group members
  • Personal information (name; contact details)
  • Work related information (university; current position; discipline)
  • Project proposal with the following details:
  • title of the (research) topic and research question;
  • description of the research, including reference to intended research output;
  • the added value of working at NIAS Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Please note, the application form will be open until Monday 31 March.

Then What?

The Chair of the NIAS Fellows Association and Director of NIAS select which applications for a Summer Stay will be granted based on the quality of the proposal.

The selection and allocation of places will be completed by the end of April. Applicants are informed of the outcome by the end of April / the beginning of May.

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