
Biographies of Buildings: Virtual Futures for our Cultural Past

Year Group 2014/15

Humanities theme group that explores usage of visual digital research tools to clarify patterns in the transformations of buildings, from early antiquity until the early modern era.

About the topic

We will explore the usage of visual digital research tools to clarify patterns in the transformations of buildings, from early antiquity until the early modern era. The focus will be on monuments in Rome and its satellite cities, such as Cumae and Satricum. Mapping and modelling will be done in two and three dimensions, and across time, which produces our fourth dimension. In this research experiment we will transform traditional data (material from excavations, archival documents, drawings, prints) into advanced digital 3D models, an intermediate stage being the drawing in pen and ink. The exploration of the most modern digital media involves systematic interdisciplinary research, some of which is as old as the humanities: philology. And we will test earlier reconstructions of some iconic buildings and the ways they were produced and used by various social groups.

Bram Kempers and Patricia S. Lulof, Theme Group Coordinators

Themegroup participants

  • Bosman, Lex

    Bosman, Lex

    Year Group 2014/15 Disciplines: Art History
  • Frischer, Bernard

    Frischer, Bernard

    Year Group 2014/15 Disciplines: Virtual Heritage
  • Kempers, Bram

    Kempers, Bram

    Year Group 2014/15 Disciplines: Social History of Art
  • Lulof, Patricia

    Lulof, Patricia

    Year Group 2014/15 Disciplines: Archaeology
  • Rescigno, Carlos

    Rescigno, Carlos

    Year Group 2014/15 Disciplines: Archaeology

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