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Rescigno, Carlos

Rescigno, Carlos


Carlos Rescigno, born in Naples, Italy, in 1963. Ph.D. from the Università degli Studi di Napoli – Federico II. Associate Professor of Classical Archaeology at the Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli.

Theme Group Fellow (1 February 2015 – 30 June 2015)

Biographies of Buildings: The Temples on the Acropolis of Cumae

Research Question

From clues and evidence, this project aims to reconstruct the architectural traditions of ancient Campania, with particular reference to the architectural tradition of Kyme-Cumae. It will focus on the analysis of the forms of workshop’s organization and of the construction sites, the study of the logic and structure of commission and the social and ritual reading of architectural spaces.

Project Description

Focus of the research is the Acropolis of Cumae and the sacred buildings in it. For the ‘Major Temple’ will analyze the life stages and will proceed to the hypothetical reconstruction of the individuated phases: from the Greek temple to the Roman to the late Roman and medieval church. The reconstructed models will be included in the topographic space with the main scope to read the social and historical context and life of the complex.

Selected Publications

1) C. Rescigno, “Osservazioni sulle architetture templari di Cuma preromana”, in Cuma. Atti del XLVIII Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 2008 (2009), pp. 447-479

2) C. Rescigno, “Tufo, legno, terracotta. Osservazioni sulle architetture arcaiche della Campania settentrionale”, in Gli Etruschi e la Campania settentrionale. Atti del XXVI Convegno di Studi Etruschi e Italici, Caserta, , S. Maria Capua Vetere, Capua, Teano, 11-15 novembre 2007, Pisa 2011, pp. 283-303.

3) C. Rescigno, “Il Tempio di Giove sulla rocca cumana. Motivazioni di una ricerca”, in Cuma, il Tempio di Giove e la terrazza superiore dell’acropoli. Contributi e documenti, a cura di Carlo Rescigno, Edizioni Osanna, Venosa 2012, pp. 13-34, ISBN 9788881673377.

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