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Brexit: an analysis of a political accident
29 Mar. 2019 -
20:00 - 21:30
Academic-cultural center SPUI25

Brexit: an Analysis of a Political Accident

NIAS PUBLIC EVENT in cooperation with academic-cultural center SPUI25

A public debate night around Brexit with anthropologist Diederick Raven and NIAS-fellows Chris Colvin, Bas Jacobs and Aidan McGarry.

Brexit has morphed into a political spectacle of immense proportions. This raises a number of obvious questions: what is acutely happening in the mother of all parliaments, why is the political elite incapable of agreeing on anything, why all the lying, why all this talk of betrayal of the electorate, what explains this total and utter complete mess?

On the night that Brexit should have taken place, anthropologist Diederick Raven will give an analysis of what he calls ‘the biggest political theatre show on earth’. A panel of NIAS-fellows will respond and spark the discussion with the audience. With Chris Colvin (Economic History, Queen’s University Belfast), Bas Jacobs (Economy and Public Finance, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam) and Aidan McGarry (International Politics, Louhgborough University, London). The event will be moderated by Fenneke Wekker, Head of Academic Affairs at NIAS, and Political Sociologist at the University of Amsterdam.


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