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Bermdans in bruidsjurk

Bermdans in bruidsjurk

In 2008, two women hitchhiked from Milan to Jerusalem wearing wedding dresses – it’s an art performance. Pippa Bacca and Silvia Moro want to show the world that those who board a stranger receive something good as a gift but it went horribly wrong with Pippa being raped and murdered by a hitchhiker. Were the “brides” naive, were they out of luck or was the danger inherent in their artwork?

In this book, Sarah Venema investigates what these artists experienced before it went wrong. Can a woman today travel the world hitchhiking alone or in a wedding dress? And why are Pippa Bacca’s sisters still hitchhiking as if nothing happened?


Sarah wrote about her experience at NIAS here 

Interview with Sarah about her book in De Volkskrant