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Discipline: Journalism

Amal Helles

Leendert van der Valk

Sanne de Boer

Kasper van Laarhoven

Bij, Fleur van der

What is creative activism? What does it mean to be an activist and express your opinion using strictly creative and non-violent means? And how does creative activism contribute to social change?

Slegers, Saar

What is the impact of international sanctions against Iran on organisations in the Netherlands? What dilemmas do companies, universities and citizens face when geopolitics gets personal?

Kruk, Marijn

Kruk will work on a book on the rise and impact of national populism in Europe to better understand the current popularity of nationalpopulist movements and how this relates to the actual crisis ...

Tielbeke, Jaap

We know we are disrupting our climate, we have known this for quite some time and still, we don’t seem to be able to change course. What is holding us back?

Venema, Sarah

What happens when you enter the car of a stranger? Following the story of two Italian artists set out on a hitchhiking journey across Europe.

Fogteloo, Margreet

Personalia Margreet Fogteloo, born in Wageningen, the Netherlands, 1962. Masters from Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Journalist/editor at Magazine De Groene Amsterdammer. Journalist-in-Resi...

Haegens, Koen

Personalia Koen Haegens, born in Horst (Limburg), the Netherlands, in 1980. Masters in Political Science (Leiden University) and Journalism (University of Amsterdam). Editor at de Groene Amsterda...