Future of Progressive Politics 1

Future of Progressive Politics

Year Group 2023/24

This NIAS Theme Group investigates the dynamics of progressive politics in European democracies.

About the topic

How has European politics undergone transformation, particularly in relation to elections, political parties, and representation? Given the fundamental challenges faced by European democracies, such as climate change, immigration, and digitalization, it is crucial to seek solutions to these issues.

This NIAS Theme Group focuses on exploring the dynamics of progressive politics within European democracies. The group wants to move the debate beyond crude narratives that see the urban, educated middle class as those demanding progressive policies while lower educated and working class voters oppose these. And wants to understand the fate of parties in the progressive field such as social democratic, Green, and radical left parties.

Themegroup participants

  • Tarik Abou-Chadi

    Abou-Chadi, Tarik

    Year Group 2023/24 Disciplines: Political Science
  • Markus Wagner

    Wagner, Markus

    Year Group 2023/24 Disciplines: Political Science
  • Macarena Ares

    Ares, Macarena

    Year Group 2023/24 Disciplines: Political Science
  • Stefanie Reher

    Reher, Stefanie

    Year Group 2023/24 Disciplines: Political Science
  • Matthijs Rooduijn

    Rooduijn, Matthijs

    Year Group 2023/24 Disciplines: Political Science

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