Stipends and Dutch University Grants
I. Stipend
Personal stipends are offered to fellows without an affiliation and fellows from outside the Netherlands. Fellows are granted a monthly stipend of €3.500,- per month (exceptions apply for some of the supported fellowships). This amount should cover essential expenses during the fellowship. The stipend is paid directly to the fellow.
II. Dutch University Grant
Fellows affiliated to Dutch universities who continue to receive their salary, can apply for a Dutch University Grant. This grant is meant for Dutch universities only and are provided to compensate for some of the costs that the university might make to free the fellow from his/her obligations during the period of the fellowship. This grant of €2.500,- per month is paid to the university directly.
In order to receive the grant, the dean or department chair agrees with the terms of the Fellowship Agreement. This way, the university commits itself to continuing to pay the fellow’s salary and to support the fellow to dedicate him-/herself fully to the research project during the period of a NIAS Fellowship (see below for more details on conditions for attendance).
Please make sure the head of your department and/or dean is well-informed about your plans to apply for a Fellowship, before submitting your application.
III. Additional funding
Additional financial support for fellows from low income countries can be requested. Resources are limited; as far as they are available, NIAS is committed to making its fellowships accessible to all. More about The NIAS Solidarity Fund and how to donate.
Legal status and insurance
A NIAS fellowship does not constitute an employment relationship. During the fellowship, the fellow is and remains an employee of his or her own university or institute, or self-employed. Subsequently, NIAS is not obligated to make social-insurance contributions or to contribute to a pension or unemployment insurance.