Home, Homeland, and Belonging 1

Nadim N. Rouhana, NIAS Fellows Association Summer Stay

22 July 2022
Prof. Rouhana kicked off his stay at NIAS by holding an international workshop on “Home, Homeland, and Belonging” which took place from July 14th-15th.

Nadim N. Rouhana is Professor of International Affairs and Conflict Studies, and Director of the Fares Center for Eastern for Eastern Mediterranean Studies at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.

During his summer stay at NIAS, he is one of the core organisers of the international workshop on “Home, Homeland, and Belonging”, July 14th-15th. The workshop is organized by The Fletcher School at Tufts University, NIAS, UCLA, and Queen Mary University of London. The workshop is an important milestone in a year-long research project exploring the interrelated categories of home and homeland, belonging, and equal citizenship in societies riven by various forms of conflict. Our group of scholars comes from a variety of different location and backgrounds and has been meeting remotely each month since January; this workshop brings these scholars together in person for the first time to examine a few theoretical questions around home, citizenship, and equality, with reference to specific case studies. The workshop format consists of a series of six sessions, with each participant presenting a short paper of their own that contributes to generating unique knowledge that can be used in numerous fields of study. Each session pairs two scholars whose papers inspire rich conversation when combined. This workshop serves as an important step towards publishing a special issue or an edited volume that contributes to determining future directions for this area of theory and research.

Speaking about his return to NIAS Prof. Rouhana noted that: “It is also an opportunity to come back to NIAS which, through the generosity of its leadership and staff became a sort of an occasional home, and to a few weeks in Amsterdam – the wonderful city at all times.” 

NIAS Fellows Association

Joining the NIAS Fellows Association (NFA) is a great way to continue your journey as part of the wider NIAS Community.

The NFA is an alumni network of over 1300 former fellows from 50 years of NIAS history as an Institute for Advanced Study. It provides a forum to maintain and deepen the connection within each year group and also provides a mechanism to allow fellows from across year groups to get in contact with each other.

About NIAS

The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study is an intellectual haven for international researchers, writers, journalists and artists to pursue their research or projects, to work in an interdisciplinary environment and to share their knowledge with society.

Every year it offers a diverse year-group of about 50 NIAS Fellows the opportunity to devote themselves to an independent research project. NIAS is the oldest Institute for Advanced Study in Europe whose founding mission is to foster curiosity-driven research. It is an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and is located in Amsterdam.

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