KB Fellowship
The KB Fellowship is co-sponsored by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands. This fellowship aims to give renowned scholars in the humanities the opportunity to make use of the special collections at the Dutch National Library.
About the KB Fellowship
The Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB) boasts large collections of medieval and later manuscripts, printed books from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century, and precious books from later periods. The KB Fellowship was set up in collaboration with NIAS to make use of these collections and to make these valuable resources accessible to the general public.
The KB fellow can make use of technical expertise at the KB as well as research support at NIAS. The Fellow can spend uninterrupted period of times working at either location and at NIAS will have the added benefit of working within an international and multidisciplinary community of scholars. The KB fellow gives a public lecture at the KB on their research project. Several KB lectures have been published by NIAS and the KB.
Practical Information
- NIAS and the KB offer one fellowship of five months each year.
- The fellowship is for Dutch and non-Dutch scholars to carry out research that makes use of the special collections at the KB.
- The KB Fellow carries out research at the KB or at NIAS on set days.
- The KB fellow delivers a public lecture at the KB during their fellowship period.
- The KB residential fellowship at NIAS includes studio or subsidised accommodation (see also Facilities for Fellows), a personal study, research facilities, one international return ticket and a monthly stipend depending on financial circumstances and academic seniority up to a maximum of €3800.
Application and Selection
- The KB Fellowship is for outstanding scholars and is by invitation only
- Shortlisted candidates are selected by a special committee
- The final selection is made by the Rector of NIAS together with the Director of the KB