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Golestan Foundation
10 June 2022 -
14:30 - 21:00
Korte Spinhuissteeg
Conference Room
Lecture free, dinner 25 euro

NFA Day 2022

The NIAS Alumni organisation warmly invites all former and current fellows to join the annual NIAS Fellows Association Day on 10 June.

After a prolonged period of online meetings, this is your opportunity to once more connect to NIAS and former colleagues in person. The annual Uhlenbeck Lecture will be held by philosopher Hans Radder, who will be exploring codes of ethics for scientists, and their flawed assumptions about the nature and role of values and norms in science.


Friday 10 June 2022

@  NIAS Conference Room (Korte Spinhuissteeg 3)

14.30 – 15.00 Refreshments

15.00 – 15.45 General Meeting of the NFA (also online)

15.45 – 16.00 Refreshments

16.00 – 17.00 Uhlenbeck Lecture by Hans Radder (also online)

17.00 Drinks and Bites


Uhlenbeck Lecture: Values and Norms in Codes of Ethics for Scientists

This year’s Uhlenbeck Lecture will be held by Hans Radder, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy from the VU University Amsterdam and a two-times fellow at NIAS (in 1996/1997 and 2010/2011).

The lecture starts with a concise explanation of the nature and role of values and norms. Radder will emphasize the ethical and political importance of making explicit how values are interpreted and which norms are taken to advance them in concrete situations. Next, he will apply this account in a critical examination of the recent Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. The conclusion is that this code is based on a flawed conception and an inadequate analysis of the nature and role of values and norms in science. Finally, Radder briefly sketches how the defects of the integrity code might be remedied by developing policies based on the broader notion of the public interest of science.

The Uhlenbeck Lecture is held annually in honor of NIAS’ founder, E.M. Uhlenbeck ((1913-2003) Professor of Javanese Language and Culture. It is held by an alumnus during the NIAS Fellows Association Day.

About the Speaker

Prof. dr. Hans Radder is professor emeritus and affiliated researcher in the Department of Philosophy at VU University Amsterdam. The subject of research is the philosophy of science and technology, broadly conceived by substantially including socio-political and moral issues. His publications include the edited volume The commodification of academic research: Science and the modern university (2010) and the books From commodification to the common good: Reconstructing science, technology, and society (2019) and The world observed/The world conceived (2006).

General Meeting of the NFA

  • Opening of the General Meeting
  • Minutes of the last General Meeting in 2021 (Minutes of 2021 NFA General Meeting_signed) 
  • Financial Report 2021. Report of the Auditing Committee (NFA – Financial Report 2021)
  • Appointment of a New Auditing Committee
  • Establish retirement schedule board members
  • This year at the NFA. Report by Philip Spinhoven
  • This year at NIAS. Report by Jan Willem Duyvendak
  • Other business
  • Closing

Register for the NFA Day 2022