
Theatre Iconography

Year Group 1994/95

International theme group on the theory and practice of iconography and the performing arts.

About the topic

Despite coming from different disciplines and backgrounds and specializing in different subjects, the five members of the “Theatre Iconography” working group succeeded during the year in growing to a team that achieved several projects.
The main joint projects that were achieved were:

The writing of a handbook (proposed by Thomas Heck) to which each member of the group would contribute. Its tentative title is Iconography and the Performing Arts: Theory and Practice.
The organizing of a symposium to which twenty specialists from Europe and the United States were invited. This symposium reached the conclusion that a core of specialists is interested in various aspects of theatre iconography and it has expressed its desire to establish continuity by researching this field more systematically. For that purpose an application for a subsidy from the European Science foundation to set up a three-year research network for the study of European Theatre Iconography in a multi-disciplinary context is in preparation.

A selection of the presented papers will be published in a theme-issue of Theatre Research International. The continuity of theatre iconographic research will also be guaranteed by the joint enterprises that are planned for the future by NIAS Fellows and by participants of the symposium.

Themegroup participants

  • Erenstein, R.L.

    Erenstein, R.L.

    Year Group 1994/95
  • Heck, Th. F.

    Heck, Th. F.

    Year Group 1994/95
  • Katritzky, M.A.

    Katritzky, M.A.

    Year Group 1994/95
  • Peeters, F.J.E.

    Peeters, F.J.E.

    Year Group 1994/95
  • Vries, L. de

    Vries, L. de

    Year Group 1994/95

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