Commitment, rules & regulations and practical matters
Fellowship Commitment
Besides being offered time and space to work on one’s research project, the intellectual and informal exchanges with other fellows form the core of a NIAS fellowship. Participating in the communal lunches and weekly seminars, where fellows present their work-in-progress, therefore lie at the heart of it.
In order to ensure getting the most out of your fellowship, NIAS asks fellows to be present at the Institute for at least four days a week, including participation in the weekly fellows’ seminar on Thursday afternoons. We urgently advise fellows to make arrangements with their university before the start of their fellowship, in order to allow themselves to immerse in their residency as much as possible.
Rules and Regulation
More elaborate information about the conditions of a fellowship can be found in the Regulations Selection Procedure NIAS Individual Fellowships.
Code of conduct
At NIAS we are all committed to academic freedoms, to the mission of NIAS, and to the integrity of all colleagues, partners, the institute and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences of which it is part. In addition, we all honour the universal declaration of human rights and the Dutch state of law.
We cooperate to create and maintain a civil, inquisitive and engaged environment. We seek to secure a community in which everyone feels encouraged to share their perspectives, even when these are tentative, challenging, outside the dominant norm, or uncomfortable. To maintain this safe space we have created the NIAS Code of Conduct. It is reflected in, and part of your NIAS Fellowship Agreement. We expect all NIAS fellows to commit to it.
Health insurance and social security
All researchers from outside the Netherlands are responsible for arranging their own healthcare and liability insurance with adequate cover for the whole period of stay in the Netherlands. Non-residents who are not employed in the Netherlands will not be able to make any claims regarding the Dutch social security system.