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NIAS Theme Group Pre-Proposal

A NIAS Theme-Group pre-proposal should be submitted before 12 noon, 15 December 2021 by emailing a pre-proposal document and C.V. to selection@nias.knaw.nl.


For the initial phase of the selection procedure there is no specific form: the theme group coordinator can submit a C.V. and short pre-proposal of no more than two pages that includes:

  • Topic and main idea of the theme group
  • A description of the interdisciplinary character of the proposal
  • Evidence of the benefit of group collaboration
  • Expected activities and, if applicable, the expected joint end product
  • A list of the preferred theme group members (max. 5)
  • Contact details of the main applicant


This document, together with a C.V. of the theme-group coordinator, should be sent by e-mail to: selection@nias.knaw.nl, citing NIAS Theme Group application, before 12 noon, 15 December 2021.

The Academic Advisory Board (AAB) evaluates the pre-proposals on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Originality and  quality of the project
  • Academic and societal relevance of the research project
  • Interdisciplinary character of the pre-proposal and evidence of the benefit of group collaboration
  • The added value of the NIAS interdisciplinary environment for the research project
  • Feasibility of the planned activities within one semester of group collaboration
  • The coordinator’s leadership qualities and added value to collaborate with the proposed theme group members


Based on the evaluations of the AAB, the theme-group coordinator may be invited to send in a more elaborate (full) proposal by 25 January 2022.