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Spinoza Fellow Richard Goldstone

On 17 June, Spinoza Fellow Richard Goldstone held an interactive lecture on the future of international justice at the Peace Palace in The Hague. The title of the lecture was: ‘The End of Impunity?’

As part of the The Hague Debates series, Goldstone put forward three theses before a panel and an audience of four hundred visitors. The panel consisted of Fatou Bensouda (Deputy Prosecutor, International Criminal Court), and Stephen Rapp (Chief Prosecutor at the Special Court for Sierra Leone). The Lecture was organised by the City of The Hague, NIAS and Radio Netherlands Worldwide.

The lecture by Richard Goldstone and the panel discussion can be seen on the website of Radio Netherlands Worldwide. The following three theses were discussed.
Investing billions in domestic justice would achieve far more than spending it on The Hague.
Prosecutors should never take political circumstances into account
The ICC will be a toothless tiger without the ratification of the major powers.