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Seminar - Scientific Integrity: A Wake Up Call and/or an Invitation to Better Data-management?

On 4 April, sociologists Kees Schuyt (current Fellow) and Aafke Komter wil examine scientific integrity and academic misconduct.    


About the Seminar

At a time when the need to build trust between science, society and policy makers is becoming more and more important, it is essential that the culture of best practice is established as the foundation for research integrity. Research activities should be undertaken within the highest ethical considerations, and misconduct should be identified and dealt with in an open and transparent manner. The quality of research is entirely based on the highest level of integrity.

At this seminar, two short papers will be presented:

11.00 – 11.20: 
Kees Schuyt, Jacques van Doorn Fellow and Chair of the Royal Dutch Academy-Committee-report Scientific Integrity and Solid Data Management (2012, in Dutch)

on:  “Research Integrity and bad to best research practices”.

11.20 – 11.40:
Aafke Komter, was Professor in Social Cohesion Studies at Utrecht University, and is currently Guest Researcher at the Department of Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam

on: “Academic Misconduct: the role of growing competition”. 

11.45 – 12.30: General Discussion


About NIAS Seminars

NIAS Seminars are organised by the Rector of the Institute. They are meant to appeal to interested parties from a wide range of backgrounds and are aimed to encourage closer contact within the Dutch academic world.

NIAS Seminars take place in the Lecture Room (NIAS, Meijboomlaan 1, Wassenaar, telephone 070-512 27 00). This Seminar starts at 11.00 hours and ends at 12.30. Everyone is welcome to attend the seminar and join the discussion. However, since changes in the programme may occur, please let us know if you wish to attend. For further information, contact Communication.