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Psychologist Hilde Geurts Awarded 1.5 mln Vici Grant

Research News

Hilde Geurts, Professor of Psychology at the University of Amsterdam and currently a NIAS Fellow, has been awarded a Vici grant, the largest grant for individual scientists in the Netherlands. The grant allows her to set up a 5-year programme studying autism and aging. 

“The curious case of autism and aging” 

With increasing age, people’s cognitive skills decline. How fast this occurs, differs among people and depends on a variety of factors. Whether having autism is a risk-factor for accelerated aging or a potential protective factor is unknown. In this project this will be tested and influential factors will be determined.

About Vici

The Vici grant, awarded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), is intended for highly experienced researchers who have successfully demonstrated the ability to develop their own innovative line of research and can act as a coach for young researchers. Vici provides researchers with the opportunity to build their own research group. In 2017, the award rate was 14.5%. 


Hersenen van mensen met autisme worden minder snel oud” (NRC article on Geurts’ research)
Hilde Geurts’ NIAS project on autism and well-being