On Thursday 2 February 2012, the Second Semester of the Research Year 2011/2012 will officially be opened. The programme focuses on gossip in Ancient Greece, and issues of subjectivity in modern law.
15.30 Arrival, tea and coffee (Conference Building)
15.45 Introduction to NIAS, by Aafke Hulk, Rector of NIAS.
16.15 Mass communication in Classical Antiquity: the case of rumors, presentation by Ineke Sluiter, theme group coordinator.
16.45 New Fellows will introduce themselves in half a minute.
17.30 Presentation of Objective law and Subjective Judges, written by Bernhard Schlink, former Spinoza Fellow, and Geert Corstens, President of the Netherlands Supreme Court, published by Cossee. Geert Corstens will be interviewed by Leonard Besselink, Henry G. Schermers Fellow.
18.00 Drinks and Buffet Dinner
If you are interested in attending the opening, please contact Kahliya Ronde.