The Van Doorn Fellowship and Chair
The Van Doorn Fellowship and Chair is offered to a leading social scientist (preferably a sociologist or public administration expert) with very broad theoretical and empirical experience in the field of societal issues and the analysis of policy and administration.
The Fellowship stimulates sociological research that relates to the style of Van Doorn. That is to say: it has a broad orientation towards an analysis of societal, political and administrative issues with a strong historical basis. Themes analysed by Van Doorn include the relationship between modernization, rationalization and technocracy, colonial history or the sociological analysis of military organizations and the use of force.
For a large part of the appointment, the holder of the Chair can work on his or her own research as Van Doorn Fellow of NIAS, in addition to giving a limited number of lectures, seminars, master classes, lectures etc. to students, PhD students and staff of Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences/Erasmus University Rotterdam. The holder of the Chair will also present the Van Doorn lecture during her or his tenure.
Previous Van Doorn Fellows include Professors Bea Cantillon, Evelyn Ruppert, Kees Schuyt and Mark Bovens.
The candidate can both be a scholar from the Netherlands or from abroad. Only scholars with an appointment as professor may be nominated.
Researchers may nominate a candidate by sending an email with motivation letter to Professor Romke van der Veen, president of the curatorium. E-mail:
Deadline for nomination is 15 April 2020.
For more information about the nomination and the procedure, please read the call on Erasmus University’s website.
About J.A.A. van Doorn
The prof. dr. Jacques van Doorn Fellowship and Chair is set up in honour of one of the Netherlands’ leading sociologists and the founder of the Sociology programme at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). He was the first dean of the current Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB) in 1963.