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NIAS relocates to Amsterdam in summer 2016

The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS-KNAW) will open its doors in Amsterdam in the summer of 2016.

NIAS is moving from Wassenaar to the heart of Amsterdam. The Institute will be located in the elegant St Jorishof building situated in an enclosed garden just off the Kloveniersburgwal. The building, which was built in 1747 as a residential home for the Burghers of Amsterdam, will provide at least thirty offices for scholars from the Netherlands and abroad to work on their research project for one or two semesters. The Fellows who pass through NIAS’s doors will be able to enjoy research facilities, library and lecture and meeting rooms. Fellows from abroad will be offered accommodation in Amsterdam: either a studio apartment in Kloveniersburgwal 23, a historic building just a minutes’ walk away, or a larger apartment a tram-ride away for those bringing their families.

Connecting Scholars

NIAS is committed to providing researchers, from a variety of disciplines, with the time and space for reflection and the development of new research directions. By moving to central Amsterdam, within easy access to academic institutions, scholars and sources, NIAS hopes to stimulate the exchange of ideas, improve access to knowledge and encourage the formation of new research networks. NIAS’s new central location makes it particularly suitable for meetings such as summer schools and workshops.

The move to Amsterdam fits with the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences’ (KNAW) aim to intensify interaction between its own institutes and to forge closer links with universities. As part of this endeavour a number of the KNAW’s humanities institutes will be housed together in one campus. The Meertens Institute, Huygens ING and the International Institute of Social History (IISG) together will form the KNAW’s Humanities-cluster. NIAS will work closely with these institutes while maintaining its international reputation as an Institute for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences and Humanities in the Netherlands.

The St. Jorishof building and enclosed garden.

Contact Details

Our visiting address (per 15 August 2016):
Korte Spinhuissteeg 3
1012 CG Amsterdam
T: +31 (0)20 224 67 00

Postal address: 
PO Box 10855
1001 EW Amsterdam 


More images
“KNAW Humanities-cluster krijgt vaste vorm” (news item on Meertens Institute’s website)