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NFA Day 2013: Alumni Reconnect, and Lecture by Sociologist Pearl Dykstra

NFA Day 2013

Former NIAS Fellows will be revisiting NIAS on the annual NIAS Fellows Association Day on Friday 27 September 2013. Sociologist Pearl Dykstra will hold the Uhlenbeck Lecture on families across time and space.

The full programme of the NFA Day can be found below.  

We regret to inform you that this event is fully booked. 



NIAS Conference Building

13.30 – 14.15 General Meeting NFA            

14.30 – 15.00 Welcome and Presentation “This Year at NIAS” by Aafke Hulk

15.00 – 16.00 Uhlenbeck Lecture by Pearl Dykstra
                            “Ties that Bind: Families across Time and Space”

16.15 – 17.30 Farewell to Jos Hooghuis, who, after working at NIAS for 36 years, retires this summer
                             followed by reception

Stork’s Nest

18.00 -             Buffet Dinner

About the Uhlenbeck Lecture

Ties that Bind: Families across Time and Space
Families “bind” people in several ways. Seen from a macro level, they are part of the glue that holds society together, linking past and future generations. Seen from a micro level, they impose dependence in people’s lives, creating opportunities but also restrictions on daily activities. Adopting a multigenerational view of family ties, across life phases, I will discuss changes in the ways in which policy, economic, and cultural contexts structure intergenerational dependence in families. I will also argue that cross-national comparisons provide critical insight into the applicability of different theoretical models explaining solidarity between family generations.

By Pearl Dykstra, Professor of Empirical Sociology at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and vice-president of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Pearl Dykstra was a NIAS Fellow in 2002/03 and 2008/09.

Uhlenbeck Lectures are organised by the NIAS Fellows Association (NFA) to honour the founder of the Institute, Professor E.M. Uhlenbeck (Professor of Linguistics and Javanese Language and Literature at Leiden University, and Chairman of the NIAS Board from 1970 – 1983. Uhlenbeck Lectures are held by former fellows.