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New Fellowship for Women in Life Sciences

Even though women increasingly attain the highest academic levels, they are still under-represented at the top levels of scientific research. With the introduction of the first Dutch Fellowship For Women in Science, L’Oréal, UNESCO, het Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren and NIAS commit to promoting scientific careers and identifying outstanding women scientists.

For Women in Dutch Science

The Dutch L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Fellowship is designed to select deserving, committed and talented young women scientists, active in the field of life sciences. Each year, two women scientists at the post-doctoral (Vidi) level will be awarded a residential fellowship at NIAS for 3 or 5 months, during which they may carry out their scientific research in the midst of an international and interdisciplinary academic community. 

Application requirements

Candidates for the fellowship must already be engaged in pursuing research at the post-doctoral level in one or allied fields of life sciences including biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, agriculture, medicine, pharmacy and physiology at a Dutch university or Research Institute. The deadline for applications for the Research Year 2013/2014 is 15 May 2012. More information about requirements and the application procedure can be found here.

The world needs science, science needs women

This Dutch fellowship is part of the international L’Oréal-UNESCO “For Women in Science” Programme. Since the programme was launched, in 1998, more than 1300 women from 106 countries around the world have been awarded with a fellowship or prize.