As part of the two day conference ‘Terrorists on Trial: Performative Perspectives‘ organised and hosted by NIAS, ICCT – The Hague co-hosts a lecture and panel debate on ‘Preventing Impunity: Terrorists on Trial‘ on Thursday 26 May, 20:00 – 21:30 at the 13th floor of Campus The Hague Location Stichthage.
As part of this conference, ICCT – The Hague co-hosts a public lecture and panel debate on ‘Preventing Impunity: Terrorists on Trial’. During this event, keynote lectures will be given by Judge Howard Morrison (ICTY), who will discuss his experiences as Judge at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, and Prof. Mike Newton (Vanderbilt University Law School), who will discuss the issue of terrorism and justice. Following the lectures, a panel debate will take place under the chairmanship of ICCT Director Mr. Peter Knoope. The evening will be concluded with a drinks reception.
For more information and registration click here.