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Joris van Eijnatten on Popular Conceptions of Europe

KB Public Lecture

Cultural historian Joris van Eijnatten has been examining images of 'Europe' in millions of twentieth-century Dutch newspaper articles as part of his fellowship at NIAS and the KB - National Library of the Netherlands. He will be presenting the results of his research at a public lecture on Tuesday 17 January 2017.

Framing ‘Europe’

Joris van Eijnatten has been conducting research into the way ‘Europe’ was framed in millions of twentieth-century Dutch newspaper articles made publicly available by the Dutch National Library (KB). He is looking at four aspects of Europe in particular: the mundane (weather forecasts, recipes, crossword puzzles), intellectual perspectives (political ideals, philosophical views), popular competitions (sports, music, pageants) and visions of unity (federalism, the construction of the EU). Which images of Europe arise from this large set of data? 

About Joris van Eijnatten

Joris van Eijnatten is Professor of Cultural History at Utrecht University.


The lecture will take place in the auditorium of the KB at 20.00. Coffee/tea at 19.30. Drinks at 21.15. Entrance is free, but please register here.

More information on the lecture and programme.

About the KB Fellowship

The KB Fellowship is a joint venture between the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB) – National Library of the Netherlands – and NIAS. It is awarded to a renowned Dutch or non-Dutch scholar in the humanities. Previous KB fellows include Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Robert Darnton, Jonathan Israel and Lisa Jardine. Joris van Eijnatten is the fourth digital humanities fellow, after Marc van Oostendorp, Els Stronks and Huub Wijfjes.