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HUGO Fellow Baragwanath President of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon

HUGO Fellow David Baragwanath has been elected President of the Tribunal and Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber, after being proposed by Vice-President Riachy and Judge Cassese.

The appointment of the new President by the Appeals Chamber follows the resignation yesterday, on health grounds, of Judge Antonio Cassese as President. Judge Cassese will continue to serve as a Judge of the Tribunal’s Appeals Chamber.

“It is a privilege to succeed the highly respected jurist Antonio Cassese”, said Judge Baragwanath. “We are indeed fortunate that that his wisdom and experience will continue to inform our work.”

David Baragwanath brings nearly fifty years of legal experience to the Presidency. He has practised both as defence and as prosecution counsel. He has extensive experience in New Zealand as a High Court and Court of Appeal judge. He was also President of the New Zealand Law Commission.

Since september 2011 David Baragwanath has been coordinator of the HUGO Theme Group at NIAS.

Read the full press release…