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Future For-Women-In-Science Fellows Open Amsterdam Stock Exchange

Two women scientists have rung the opening bell of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange this morning. Doris van Halem and Femke Nijboer have won the Dutch l'Oréal-UNESCO For-Women-in-Science Fellowships 2016/17. This co-sponsored fellowship programme stimulates the scientific careers of talented young women Life Scientists with the aim of increasing the number of women professors in Netherlands in the long run. 


Doris van Halem and Femke Nijboer open the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. (Photo: L’Oréal Nederland) 

The Netherlands has more female students than male students. However, a mere 17% of the professors in the Netherlands are women. The For-Women-in-Science programme was set up to contribute to a long-term increase of the number of women professors. Therefore it annually awards two fellowships to excellent women scholars. The winners receive a grant of 25.000 euro, and the opportunity to work at NIAS as part of our academic community. 

Doris van Halem, PhD (33) receives the fellowship for her research on the use of nanotechnology in the production of clean drinking water in developing countries. 

Dr. Femke Nijboer (35) receives the fellowship for her research on brain-computer interfaces, that allow people with locked-in syndrome to communicate better by making use of their brain activity.


Women at top level in academia still underrepresented (news video about FWiS Fellowships)

More about the For Women in Science programme and science & emancipation (UNESCO)