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Finnish Honorary Doctorate for Fellow Paul Kirschner

News Snippet

The University of Oulu (Finland) has awarded prof. dr. Paul A. Kirschner, university professor at the Open University of the Netherlands and currently at NIAS, the doctorate honoris causa from the university and specifically the Faculty of Education. This title is the highest honor that the university, one of the largest in Finland, can bestow.

This recognition is based on his internationally renowned research career spanning four decades, and especially for his highly significant contribution to the establishment of a scientifically influential work with, and the ensuing successful collaboration between the Learning & Educational Technology Research Unit at Oulu University and his former research group at the Welten Institute of the Open Universiteit.

The degree conferral ceremony takes place on May 20, 2017. At the ceremony Kirschner will receive the doctor’s hat and sword, following medieval tradition. The doctor’s hat symbolizes liberty, scholarship and freedom of research. The sword, presented at the sword-whetting ceremony the evening before the degree conferral, symbolizes the scholar’s fight for what she/he has found to be good, right and true. Each honoree will sharpen his/her sword upon receipt using a grindstone dampened with champagne. 

About Paul A. Kirschner

Paul A. Kirschner (1951) is university professor of the Open University of the Netherlands and visiting professor Education at the University of Oulu, Finland. He is an internationally renowned expert in his field. His expertise includes lifelong learning, computer assisted collaborative learning, design of electronic and other innovative learning environments, the use of media in education, development of teacher extensive (distance) education materials, competencies and the use of educational technologies in education. Since September 1, 2016 he is also a NIAS/NSvP-research fellow.