Writer-in-residence Jannah Loontjens will discuss beginnings, endings, the act of writing and two of her books that were recently published, in a lecture at Leiden University (4 March).
More details about the lecture (in Dutch).
About Jannah Loontjens
Jannah Loontjens is writer, poet and holds a Ph.D. in philosophy. At NIAS, she is working on a book of essays about the time spirit in the eighties and nineties, the period before nine-eleven, and all it’s consequences, before general use of Internet, before cell phones. She describes her own position in this world from a very personal point of view, relating it to philosophical questions regarding that period of time.
About the writer-in-residence programme
The Writer-in-Residence programme is a joint venture between NIAS and the Dutch Foundation for Literature (‘Nederlands Letterenfonds’) in Amsterdam. Former writers-in-residence include Marcel Möring, Peter Behrens, Lieve Joris, David Mitchell, and David van Reybrouck.