About Bas Jacobs
Bas Jacobs is Professor of Public Economics at Erasmus School of Economics. He is an internationally renowned specialist in public finance. Several of his papers have appeared in leading journals in public economics. In his academic research Jacobs has explored progressive income taxes, taxes on capital income and corrective taxes. He has also studied optimal education financing schemes and taxation of human capital. He did research on the marginal cost of public funds. In recent research, he studies the political economy of income taxation, indirect redistribution mechanisms, such as minimum wages and labor unions, the distributional consequences of technological change, and optimal macro-economic stabilization policy. Jacobs has been a visiting fellow of, among others, the universities of Chicago, Munich and California at Berkeley, and of the International Monetary Fund. He has also been a consultant to the World Bank.
Bas Jacobs has lucid writing skills and is influential in the Dutch policy debate. He has written dozens of applied policy articles in national journals, a book in Dutch on optimal income redistribution (De Prijs van Gelijkheid, 2015), and hundreds of opinion articles and blogs. His ability to clearly explain complex economic issues gives Jacobs an important presence in newspapers and on radio and television.
Jacobs is the Wim Duisenberg fellow at NIAS in 2018/19.
- More about the Chair at the Erasmus School of Economics
- More about Bas Jacobs