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Evaluation: NIAS World Leading

According to a report by an international peer review committee, the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS-KNAW) is an excellent institute that can hold its own against the best Institutes for Advanced Study in the world.

NIAS is what it wants to be: a safe haven for curiosity driven science in a day and age where these kinds of circumstances have become increasingly rare.

Evaluation Committee 2018

The committee praises NIAS as a service orientated and welcoming place for reflection, imagination, a haven for intellectual retreat that offers a break from everyday routine to make room for creativity and inspiration, and thus for better research. The institute is unique in the Dutch landscape, and has an excellent international reputation as well, with outreach all over the academic world.

Alongside the extremely positive conclusions in its report, the committee offered valuable suggestions for further improvement of NIAS policy and operational processes.  NIAS and the Academy are pleased with the review committee’s opinion and will adopt most of its recommendations.


Evaluation: NIAS World Leading 1
Evaluation Committee in conversation with current fellows