The New Crises of the Republic

Research Question

How can the early-modern ideas of republican liberty be updated so as to inform late-modern political crises?

Project Description

Neorepublicanism is changing how we think about freedom. However, neorepublicanism remains anchored to antedated conceptions of power and politics which make it unsuitable to speak to late-modern political dilemmas. The overarching aim of this project is to recalibrate neorepublicanism so as to make it speak clearly and concretely to todays’ pressing problems. This will require methodological innovations, new conceptual applications, and informed policy prescriptions to address these issues. The project aims to: (1) to clarify and resolve methodological problems by setting out a critical theoretical account of neorepublicanism; (2) to address specific topical problems including migration ethics and global (in)justice, and mass-surveillance and privacy; and (3) to formulate concrete policy proposals based on those analyses.

Selected Publications

“The Virtues of Resistance and Obligation in Hobbes’s Leviathan”. The Review of Politics. Forthcoming, Winter, 2016.

“Freedom, Surveillance, and the Republic” (with Jeffrey Monaghan). European Journal of Political Theory. Forthcoming 2016 (available online first).

“Authority without Foundations – Arendt and the Paradox of Postwar German Memory Politics” (with Benjamin Nienass). The Review of Politics. Vol. 76, Summer 2014.

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