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Call for Theme Group Fellowships Now Open
7 May. 2020 -
15:00 - 17:00

What Makes and Breaks Relationships?

Online NIAS Seminar

Current Fellow Esther Kluwer, Associate Professor in Psychology at Utrecht University, will discuss work-in-progress on relationships.

About the Seminar

Close relationships are the core of human society. What “makes and breaks” relationships is of critical importance at the societal, community, and individual level of analysis. What are the core psychological processes that underlie relationship maintenance and relationship dissolution? And what are the tipping points that turn partners facing relationship distress to either reconciliation and improvement or deterioration and dissolution?

About NIAS Seminars

NIAS Seminars are aimed to stimulate scientific cross-pollination within the NIAS academic community and discuss work-in-progress. Attendance is online and by invitation. If you are interested in attending, please contact NIAS.