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Visit Broek in Waterland
13 Sep. 2022 -
14:30 - 18:00
Broek in Waterland

Visit Broek in Waterland

To get to know the surrounding area, we'll visit the small village of Broek in Waterland, a twenty-minutes drive north of Amsterdam. During the tour "The Most Beautiful Village of Holland. Global trade and 'Golden Age' in the Dutch countryside’", we'll be guided by Henk Looijestein, historian at the International Institute for Social History.


14.30 Gather at NIAS Reception and Walk to Amsterdam Central Station

15.10 Bus 316 vanaf Busstation Centraal Station, Platform A (public transport)

15.33 Arrival Broek in Waterland and start guided walk

17.00 Drinks in Pub de Drie Noten


About Broek in Waterland

According to our guide, Henk Looijestein, it is a beautiful village that has been a touristic highlight for centuries. Kings visited the village in the 18th century, and there are many stories to be told about this place.

It is new addition to the NIAS excursion repertoire, so let us know afterwards what you think. Old-fashioned, too rural, too cliché, too far away…anything.


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Please bring your own OV travel card! If you do not have one, please let us know on the google sheet.