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Towards a Reconceptualization of the Encounter between Palestinians and Zionism
4 June 2020 -
15:00 - 17:00

Towards a Reconceptualization of the Encounter between Palestinians and Zionism

Online NIAS Seminar

Nadim Rouhana, Fellow at NIAS and Professor of International Affairs and Conflict Studies at Tufts University will disentangle confounded paradigms around the encounter between Palestinians and Zionism.

This project aims to develop a new conceptual understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by disentangling the various conflict paradigms (e.g. settler-colonial, national, national-religious) that both parties have used to conceptualize their more than century-long conflict. It will examine: a) how Israeli, Palestinian, and international political paradigms have been applied in understanding and analyzing the conflict; b) how shifting and crisscrossing paradigms shaped Palestinian and Israeli political goals and strategies, contributed to a deadlock (both within each side and between the two sides), and impeded the advancement of a clear and bold rights-based project in which both Palestinians and Israelis are equally included; and c) the political implications of the paradigm shifts on the future of the Israeli-Palestinian relationship.

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NIAS Seminars are aimed to stimulate scientific cross-pollination within the NIAS academic community and discuss work-in-progress. Attendance is online and by invitation. If you are interested in attending, please contact NIAS.