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9 Apr. 2020 -
15:00 - 17:00
1012 CG Amsterdam
Conference Room

Post-deportation and Holocaust exhumations

NIAS Seminar

Jean-Marc Dreyfus, reader in history from the University of Manchester, discusses his project "Post-deportation and Holocaust exhumations: a comparative approach to the French and Dutch national missions in search of corpses in Germany, 1945-1960."


It is not known or remembered that European states after WWII set up search missions in order to recover the corpses of their nationals deported to Nazi concentration and death camps. My project will handle the techniques used by the French and Dutch missions in comparison to fulfill such a task. Forensic medicine, politics and visual culture will be described.

About NIAS Seminars

NIAS Seminars are aimed to stimulate scientific cross-pollination within the NIAS academic community and discuss work-in-progress. Attendance is by invitation. If you are interested in attending, please contact NIAS.