For whom?
All former fellows of NIAS, whether living in the New York area or not.
13.00 – 15.00 Informal luncheon
15.00 – 16.30 Lecture “The Return of the Native” by Jan Willem Duyvendak (Professor of Sociology and Director of NIAS). This lecture will be open to the general public.
16.30 Reception
Lecture: The Return of the Native. Similarities and differences between Western-Europe and the US in anti-black racism, Islamophobia, and populism.
The right-wing discourses surrounding identity in Europe’s present-day politics and public spheres are often academically analysed in terms of populism, Islamophobia and racism. While acknowledging those concepts’ validity, Duyvendak will show that in the European context populism, Islamophobia and racism are actually all subtypes of nativism: religious nativism, problematizing Islam and Muslims; populist nativism, problematizing ‘native’ elites; and racial nativism problematizing black anti-racism. Duyvendak will discuss whether Islamophobia, anti-black racism and populism are as nativist in the US as they are in Europe.
Click the register button (upper left corner).
We encourage all fellows to spread the word, reach out to NIAS colleagues, and to attend. If you have ideas about the programme that you would like to share, or if you are interested in organising a satellite meeting yourself, do contact us at
We hope this will be the first of many events worldwide!
Philip Spinhoven (Chair of the NFA) and Jan Willem Duyvendak (Director NIAS)