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Event type: Talk

Experiencing Art in Pandemic Times: Unfolding 21st Century Scenarios

Nothing is like it used to be in the art world: the Covid-19 pandemic has caused art institutions globally to relocate events and activities to online spaces and social media, or postpone those for which physical presence was deemed essential. Re-openings have often been temporary and subject to local public health measures. The art world has fundamentally existed in and as a physical space: what are the consequences of the major transformation taking place in art institutions as a result of the ongoing public health crisis?

Can one be guilty of a predicted crime? (NL)

Kun je van te voren al weten of iemand de fout in zal gaan, en hoe groot de kans is op recidive? Deze vragen probeert het strafrecht te beantwoorden met behulp van ‘risicotaxatie-instrumenten’. Maar sinds wanneer worden deze instrumenten ingezet, hoe betrouwbaar zijn ze en welk mensbeeld spreekt hier uit?

Hear me out! Citizen-state relations in the city

In this NIAS Talk three fellows discuss contemporary urban citizenship in Amsterdam as there is increasing emphasis on democratization and representation in citizen-state relations. With Urban Citizen Fellows Anouk de Koning, Nanke Verloo and Markha Valenta and alderperson Rutger Groot Wassink.

Rethinking Colonial Cartography: Collecting and Mapping Knowledge of Southern Africa

This NIAS Talk investigates late nineteenth century maps of southern Africa, made and compiled by European settlers. Many colonists who settled in what would become South Africa felt the need to map the land in order to ‘know’ it. But what do these colonial maps tell us when we read them as texts?

Book presentation and roundtable ‘Gender, War, and Citizenship’

NIAS alumna Karen Hagemann celebrates the launch of Oxford handbook Gender, War, and the Western World since 1600 with a transatlantic roundtable on Gender, War and Citizenship. Welcome word by NIAS Director Jan Willem Duyvendak

Mapping Belonging as a Field of Study

In this NIAS Talk Jan Willem Duyvendak and Fenneke Wekker discuss the topic of Belonging as a field of academic study.

Are Secret Agencies all that Secret? The CIA’s Public Life

In this NIAS talk, Fellow Simon Willmetts will focus on world's famous intelligence service, the CIA, and how they have tried to come to terms with this new public role.

Newcomers’ Right to the City

With increasing worldwide migrant mobilities it is not always clear who has the right to the city. What is the role of the newcomer in an urbanized world?

The Unmaking of Medical Inadmissibility

In this NIAS Talk we shed light on the politics of migration and health, and official knowledge and decision making about people with chronic illness and developmental or genetic otherness within the Canadian immigration system. What is needed to unmake medical inadmissibility?

Beyond the Crisis in Psychology

This event has already taken place and in case you missed it, a full write up can be found on our Insights page.

NIAS Talk: Whose climate crisis is it?

Where should we take the struggle for climate change when governments all over the world continue to fail to take sufficient action? During this NIAS Talk we will discuss the role of (environmental) law and legal mobilisation in increasing efforts to battle the climate crisis.