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Event type: Talk

Nacht van de Sociologie

*This programme is in Dutch*


Wat is de staat van de historische discipline volgens jonge geschiedkundige vakmensen? En hoe relateren zij hun geschiedpraktijk aan dat wat niet achter, maar juist voor ons ligt; hoe verhouden historici zich tot de toekomst en haar verbeelding?

Harvesting Care

This NIAS Talk looks into the interaction between urban farming practices and care. What can city gardens mean to our food provisioning, and our ideas about sustainability and care in urban environments?

Future Imaginaries in the Making: The Case of (Post-) Crisis Greece

Which imaginaries and narratives of the future are currently infiltrating the Greek public sphere and Greek culture, and to what ends? This programme zooms in on contemporary Greece to ask questions that contribute to larger debates about future imaginations within and beyond the neoliberal present.

Autoriteit en Activisme. Journalistiek onder de loep

Een gesprek over de (veranderende) rol van de journalist. Hoe verhoudt de journalistiek zich vandaag de dag tot autoriteit en activisme?

Dutch For Women in Science Award Ceremony 2022

For the first time in the history of Dutch academia 1 in 4 professors is a woman. A milestone, but more work needs to be done. On 21 April, L'Oréal, Unesco, the Dutch Network of Women Professors, KHMW and NIAS celebrate the careers of female scientists by awarding both the For-Women-in-Science Fellowships and Rising Talent awards.   

Everything is Connected

The internet and conspiracy theories: two phenomena from today’s world that are both omnipresent, intangible and closely entangled. How should we understand the relation between the internet and the making and shaping of conspiracy theories?

Nacht van de Filosofie

*This programme is in Dutch!

CANCELLED – Grote praatjes

Wat schreven politiek leiders van de oudheid tot nu? Op zondag 20 maart ben je van harte welkom op de story telling middag ‘Grote praatjes’ in het Allard Pierson. Deze middag staat in het teken van de kracht van het (gesproken) woord.

La Nuit des Idées 2022

During the Nuit des Idées writers, scholars and politicians reflect on European identity and what it means to feel at home in Europe. A public event livestreamed in French and Dutch, organised by the Institut Français in partnership with OBA, European Cultural Foundation and NIAS.

Women’s Voices from the Mediterranean

What insights can women’s experiences, their use of language and their ways of communication add to our understanding of the early modern Mediterranean? Together with NIAS fellow Eric Dursteler, historian Maartje van Gelder and writer Nisrine Mbarki we explore women’s active participation in this multilingual region.

I’m afraid it’s rather bad news

Every year more and more people get diagnosed with advanced forms of cancer or other incurable diseases. And medical experts expect this figure to steadily rise over the coming decades.

(Ir)rationaliteit heerst: over menselijk gedrag in pandemische tijden

Welk menselijk gedrag leggen langdurige effecten van pandemieën bloot en wat vertelt ons dit over onze maatschappij? In deze DLF Talk onderzoeken we welke lessen we kunnen trekken uit onze omgang met infectieziekten zoals Covid-19.

Footage in the Ruins: City Regeneration through Film

This NIAS Talk explores the relationship between film and city regeneration. How do the cinema and TV industry affect the spatial value of European cities?

Nacht van de Sociologie

This programme is Dutch! Current fellows Thomas Kampen and Lynn Berger explore the notion of 'work' during the Night of Sociology on 26 November 2021.

Housewives and CEOs: Female Entrepreneurship in the 20th Century

How has female entrepreneurship evolved in the 20th century in the Netherlands? This NIAS Talk weaves philosophical, historical and contemporary experiences to find commonalities of female entrepreneurship over time. 

De echte waarde van werk

Toen de Participatiewet in 2015 met veel bombarie werd aangekondigd, leek het een geweldig idee: zoveel mogelijk mensen mee laten doen op de arbeidsmarkt zou immers goed zijn voor zowel burger, werkgevers als overheid. Nu, zes jaar verder, is de conclusie helder: de Participatiewet is mislukt. Hoe moet het nu verder met de mensen voor wie een werkend bestaan zelfs in een krappe arbeidsmarkt niet altijd vanzelfsprekend is?

Welcome to NIAS

A few words of welcome to our new fellows, by Jan Willem Duyvendak (Director) and Fenneke Wekker (Head of Academic Affairs).

Lancering website HisGIS Hertogdom Brabant (NL)

Hertogdom Brabant gaat live!

Wondrous Wunderkammers: The Art of Collecting

In this NIAS Talk we explore historical and contemporary ways of collecting, and investigate why the early modern way of collecting items in Wunderkammers and Cabinets of Curiosity has resurfaced as a label for artistic and museum interventions. This NIAS Talk is in Dutch!