Event type: Talk
Framing Russia
The award-winning media outlet Mediazona has been covering political repressions and human rights violations for over ten years.
On Informal Maritime Labour in the Strait of Hormuz (talk & screening)
Deemed the “New Suez,” the International North-South Transit Corridor (INSTC) consists of a network of railroads, ports and highways connecting Eastern Europe and Russia’s heartlands to the...
Diasporas and the Quest for Justice
Reflecting on diverse diaspora experiences, Maria Koinova, Ayşenur Korkmaz, and Camilla Orjuela will discuss contemporary quests for justice. Attendance is free, please join the conversation and register by email.
How the Closing of Gay Bars Sparked a Revolution (Amsterdam edition)
In his exhilarating journey into underground parties, pulsating with life and limitless possibility, acclaimed author Amin Ghaziani unveils the unexpected revolution revitalizing urban nightlife.
Towards A New Theory Of Emerging Curiosity
We value curiosity as an important driver of human evolution, society, art and intellect—and rightly so. But what is curiosity? How, when and where does it develop? What happens when that development is interrupted, or cut short? And how can we make sure that, when it is, the personal and societal consequences are minimised and addressed?
Listening Exercises
Is it possible to be in the world without being devoured by it, to care without getting lost, to contribute sincerely without projecting yourself over others? Public philosophers Miriam Rasch and Costica Bradatan invite you to a conversation about alternative ways of engaging.
Marcus Wagner and Tarik Abou-Chadi @ Nacht van de Sociologie
On the "Nacht van de Sociologie", it has only been two days since the Netherlands went to the polls. The big question now is: why did parties win or lose?
From #BlackLivesMatter to #DalitLivesMatter
Appearing on Twitter/X for the first time in 2014, #DalitLivesMatter (#DLM) is one of the latest chapters in a long history of offline and online cross-fertilisation between Dalit and African American struggles for social justice. What can a digital humanities approach tell us about the productive and counterproductive effects of this association, and by extension about such activist associations in general?
Voting in Turbulent Times
On 22 November Dutch voters will cast their ballot in the Parliamentary Election, bringing new urgency to questions that have been occupying politicians, pundits, and political scientists for years. How has the electoral behavior of key social groups such as the working class changed in the last decades? Are we witnessing a crisis of the Left or is there new hope for social democratic and other parties? Have political elites in the Netherlands and Europe become more diverse, and (why) does it matter who our representatives are?
Resonant with your signs
Our bodies, our worlds, are resonant with signs of others. The signs of those who constrain us but also signs of those who share their transformations and liberations with us.
Uncommon Transitions? Memory and Forgetting between Eastern and Western Europe
Why do memories of transitions in the late 1980s and 1990s remain disconnected between Eastern and Western Europe?
The Power of the Sun: Solar Imaginations
How was the Sun conceived and visualized throughout the centuries? And what challenges featuring the Source of Life will we face in the near future?
Dutch Colonies of Benevolence
Last year, the UNESCO World Heritage recognized the lasting cultural significance of the unfree 'colony of benevolence' at Veenhuizen (now home to the National Prison Museum). This round table brings together three leading researchers on domestic colonies to discuss the international significance of this colony, which opened its doors 200 years ago.
Immigration, Transformation and Society
What makes up the immigrant experience? What are its contours, challenges, and realities? And what gets lost, altered, or edited in the transition between leaving one’s birth country and arriving in a new one?
The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study is thrilled to present an evening that weaves arts and academics, traverses national boundaries, and crosses oceans, in partnership with John Adams Institute, the Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam, Polish Culture NL, the Embassy of the Polish Republic and Buda Staging Performance Foundation.
Facial Recognition. A Conversation at Night of Philosophy
During the annual Night of Philosophy, Stefania Milan and Marjolein Lanzing enter in a conversation about the ethical issues tied-up with the use of facial recognition technology in the public space and the current forms of resistance against it.
La Nuit des Idees 2023
Het Institut Français NL brengt Franse en Nederlandse denkers samen rond het thema van 2023: ‘Het nieuwe werken: altijd meer?”
Burgerschap en democratie. Omgang met hedendaags Amsterdams burgerschap
In dit programma gaan vijf sociale wetenschappers in gesprek met beleidsmakers van de Gemeente Amsterdam. Hoe verhoudt hun onderzoek zich tot het beleid rondom democratisering in Amsterdam?
The Holomodor and Health Heritage
Russia’s deliberate war strategy in Ukraine has disrupted agriculture and food storage and distribution systems to hinder food supplies to the population. The war has created an immediate health and humanitarian crisis of catastrophic proportions inside and outside Ukraine. Furthermore, research on past wars and conflicts points out that the current crisis could have long-term health repercussions. Tonight, experts will discuss this “health heritage” by taking the case study of the Holodomor, the 1932-1934 period of extreme famine in Soviet Ukraine.
Kunstmatige intelligentie: medicijn voor de zorg?
Ons zorgsysteem moet op de schop. De wachtlijsten voor mensen met mentale problemen worden alsmaar langer. Hoe complexer het probleem, hoe langer het wachten is op behandeling. Dit is in de eerste plaats schadelijk voor mensen in (acute) nood. Daarnaast ondermijnt het ons vertrouwen in zorgverleners, zoals psychiaters en psychologen. Wat is er nodig om de psychiatrie klaar te stomen voor de toekomst? Vanavond onderzoekt professor Iris Sommer of en hoe kunstmatige intelligentie de psychiatrie kan remediëren.
Secrets of the Sea in Times of Climate Breakdown
Despite its many secrets and wonders, oceans have been under threat for years. Corals are dying and sea life is disappearing. Although this is a global phenomenon, some people are affected more than others—and as with many a climate issue, these inequalities bear witness of the afterlife of (post)colonialism. In this talk, we shed light on the ambiguous nature of marine protection and the colonial dimensions of ocean health.