Event type: #50YRS
Opening Academic Year 2021/22
NIAS is delighted to invite you for the Opening of the Academic Year 2021/22 online or in-person.
Thuis. Over verbondenheid en verlangen
Op 8 december presenteert NIAS "Thuis. Een bloemlezing over verbondenheid". Dit is NIAS' eerste literaire, Nederlandstalige boek, waarmee we de literaire verbeeldingskracht vieren. Het boek wordt uitgegeven in het kader van NIAS' 50-jarige verjaardag.
Mapping Belonging as a Field of Study
In this NIAS Talk Jan Willem Duyvendak and Fenneke Wekker discuss the topic of Belonging as a field of academic study.
Conference on Studies of Belonging
'Mapping Belonging as a field of study, Establishing future networks'
NIAS 50 Years Reunion
NIAS has turned fifty and celebrates that on 15 October 2021, during an event where current fellows, alumni and staff will (re)connect with each other, and with the institute. With a keynote by writer David Mitchell.
An Imagined Past? The Politics of History Making
This year’s Annual NIAS Lecture talks about violent and imagined pasts, and how can we make amends with it.